Peter O’Sullevan House has opened. The facility, named after the late racing commentator, is a rehabilitation and fitness centre for injured jockeys located in Newmarket, Suffolk, comprised of rehabilitation and physio treatment areas, a fully equipped gym, a hydrotherapy pool, training rooms furnished with state-of-the-art racing simulators as well as offices for The Injured Jockeys Fund charity.
The injured Jockeys Fund (IJF) provides support and charitable assistance to both amateur and professional racehorse riders and their families following an injury, long term incapacitation or just in general need. They also have the facilities to help jockeys face the demanding physical and mental risks of the sport.
The structure is predominantly formed in steel with elements of Glulam framing, notably to the external elevations. The complex roof arrangement is unfortunately concealed internally by services and finishes but can be appreciated from aerial views.
Peter O’Sullevan House is the third and most recent centre in the country provided by the IJF and was officially opened by Sir A.P.McCoy in October 2019.