Last year we announced that we would support the pregnancy loss charity, TimeNorfolk, as our charity of the year for 2024. TimeNorfolk provides wellbeing support to anyone in Norfolk and Waveney who experiences mental health challenges due to pregnancy loss.
We are proud to have raised vital funds for this all-important charity through various fundraising activities throughout the year. Our biggest event was our Wherryman’s Way Walking Challenge, which saw a group of the Rossi Long team battling the exhausting heat during one of the hottest days of the year to walk over 23 miles in around 9 ½ hours. We were thrilled to have raised an incredible £2,000 in aid of TimeNorfolk alone for this event alone.
In September, Senior Structural Engineer Tom Purchase took to the streets of Norwich to run alongside 6,940 other participants to complete this year’s Run Norwich. We’ve also organised plenty of smaller events in the office, which have included Fish and Chips Day where staff traded in their usual lunch money as a donation for a meal from the local chippy, a photography competition, guess the number of sweets in a jar, a Christmas bake sale with a competition for the best-decorated cake and a Christmas clothing day where staff could get festive in any Christmas attire they fancied.
We have had a terrific time raising money in aid of TimeNorfolk and we’re thrilled to announce our final fundraising total – £2,420! A huge thank you to all our staff for going the extra mile to achieve this total and to everyone who contributed and supported our efforts.
Looking ahead, we’re looking forward to supporting another important charity throughout 2025.